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Volume 23, No.4, Winter 2005

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Advertising for Clean Water

By Carol Ferrie Every year, corporations spend about $150 billion on advertising, says Paul Polizzotto, but very little of it goes to improve quality of life. Polizzotto — surfer, businessman, and environmentalist– has figured out a way to harness some of those advertising dollars through the Adopt-A-Waterway program. "You don’t have to take the oathContinue reading "Advertising for Clean Water"

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The Shifting Roles of NGOs

  Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) used to be gadflies and outsiders challenging businesses and governments (think Greenpeace and Public Citizen, for example). Today, however, NGOs are moving in new directions. Some, for example, are acting increasingly like government agencies, issuing a new generation of de facto regulations in the form of standards, guidelines, and certifications. OthersContinue reading "Restoring Life to Damaged Land"

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Chili Power

African elephants are not only majestic animals, but also cropraiding nuisances, endangering human lives and livelihoods. Conservation groups have determined that in order to protect elephants it is necessary to protect the people who are sharing the land with them. It is a complex situation that in some areas has been solved by the simpleContinue reading "Restoring Life to Damaged Land"

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A Cautionary Tale

Over the last decade, the precautionary principle –“better safe than sorry”– often has been invoked to justify government regulatory action. According to advocates of this principle, we must protect ourselves from potential environmental threats –such as greenhouse gases, nuclear power, or arsenic in drinking water– even if we are not sure exactly what will beContinue reading "Restoring Life to Damaged Land"

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