John Batchelor stops in Bozeman, Montana to speak with Terry Anderson about how to enhance the value of environmental amenities. Anderson highlights the role that environmental entrepreneurs take to improve environmental outcomes as well as contrasts local versus federal land management.
The Role of Enviropreneurs
Terry Anderson
Terry L. Anderson is the former president and executive director of PERC, and the John and Jean De Nault Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
A Guide for Implementing Conservation Leasing
Conservation leasing is emerging as a new way to conserve public lands, and changing the way we think about land use in the process.
Diversifying State Trust Land Revenue Through Conservation Uses
This policy brief explores the challenges and opportunities of conservation use on state trust lands.
Pricing Conservation Leases
This policy brief attempts to provide guidance for government agencies considering how to price conservation bids for leases on public lands.