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PERC Reports

The magazine of Free Market environmentalism

Volume 21, No.4, Winter 2003

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A Taste Of Mexico

Watch your step, Starbucks. Indigenous farmers from Chiapas, Mexico, are opening cafes in Europe, the United States, and Mexico. Started in 1997 by a group of Mexican small investors and a nonprofit organization of peasant coffee farmers, Cafe La Selva (The Jungle Cafe in English) is winning customers in the world of gourmet coffee whileContinue reading "Invasion of Alien Species"

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The Lure Of The Jungle

Slash-and-burn agriculture has long been a way of life for farmers living in forested areas of the Dominican Republic. Maltiano Moreta, president of the Ecological Society, noticed that the steady destruction of forests near Cachote was also eradicating habitat for endemic bird species such as the Hispaniolan parakeet, parrot, and trogon. He persuaded local farmersContinue reading "Invasion of Alien Species"

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