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PERC Reports

The magazine of Free Market environmentalism

Volume 21, No.2, Summer 2003

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Back To The Future

Surrounded by the magnificent blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, Santa Cruz Island, just 25 miles west of Santa Barbara, is the scene of a life-and-death drama that pits feral pigs against the dainty island fox. The introduction of non-native species to one of California’s isolated Channel Islands has led to the near extirpation ofContinue reading "Indoor Sunshine"

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Salted Irrigation

Salt deposits can destroy farm land, but at long last, one scientist has found a crop that will tolerate irrigation by sea water.

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Garbage To Oil

A great meal for many Americans is a Butterball turkey. A great deal for ConAgra, the company producing Butterballs, is to turn all its turkey waste into marketable products. Its Carthage, Missouri, turkey plant accumulates 1.3 million gallons a day of turkey grease, guts, fat, and feathers that is stored in lagoons and sent toContinue reading "Indoor Sunshine"

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Indoor Sunshine

Cabela’s, one of the world’s largest outfitting companies, is shedding new light on its indoor facilities. In Prairie de Chien, Wis., a 400,000-square-foot retail store and 600,000-square-foot distribution center, have been equipped with full spectrum, energy-efficient light fixtures that spread indoor sunshine while reducing utility bills. Full spectrum light is the equivalent of sunlight atContinue reading "Indoor Sunshine"

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