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Liz Spence

Liz Spence is the sustainable harvest project coordinator for the north and central coast region of the Nature Conservancy California. In her role, Liz leads the planning of a vineyard conservation initiative strategy, developing communications materials for the strategy, performing industry research, and managing outreach to influential stakeholders in the California wine industry. In addition to vineyards, Liz develops and implements conservation strategies related to various working landscape industries in the north and central California region such as ranching, agriculture, timber, and fishing. Prior to her involvement with TNC California, she worked for the World Wildlife Fund in the Validivian Temperate Rainforest Ecoregional program of Chile on communications strategies and resource management. At the Keystone Center of Science and Public Policy in Keystone, Colorado, she designed and taught youth environmental policy summits for inner-city high school students. She holds a bachlor of arts degree from Dartmouth College in environmental studies and Spanish literature and has completed the Bridge business program at Tuck School of Business. When not working on sustainable harvest conservation projects, Liz spends much time on her yoga mat, backcountry skiing, road biking and fly fishing. She also derives maximum enjoyment from cooking and trying out new restaurants.