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Charlotte Huus-Henriksen

Charlotte is the Senior Sustainability Lead at Inter IKEA Group. She previously worked at PERC filming or editing PERC video and podcast productions, assisting with outreach projects, reviewing PERC publications, promoting PERC scholars in media outlets, and maintaining and growing our social media presence. She is originally from the San Francisco Bay area and has degrees in Environmental Studies and French from Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA. After graduating in 2010, she moved to Bozeman, MT where she has spent time getting to know the local community and researching economic and ecological affects of ranching, with a particular interest in how working lands in the West have been able to maintain the wealth and health of the land through clear property rights and market opportunities.

Before coming to PERC, Charlotte spent a summer in Copenhagen, Denmark to study clean energy and has lived in eastern France studying francophone culture. Charlotte loves living near the mountains, which gives her the ability to hike in the summer and ski in the winter. She also enjoys fly fishing, triathlons, and reading a good book.