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Property Rights and Economic Development for Indigenous Peoples: November 2013

October 31-November 3, 2013

Bozeman, Montana

Directed by:
Terry L. Anderson and Dominic P. Parker

The purpose of this conference co-sponsored with Liberty Fund Inc. is to explore the relationship between liberty and property rights from a historical perspective, focusing especially on how these rights have been employed by and have impacted indigenous populations in the United States. Criticisms of property rights often reference the success of “communal property” and this conference will explore private and communal property rights.

Readings and discussion will briefly consider the historical emergence of property rights generally and will then focus on the role of property rights in American history and in the early West. What is the rationale for property rights and how do they function in the pre-history and early history of modern North America?

Participants for this conference will be drawn from the PERC’s network and include scholars who have worked on Indian economies, Native American tribal leaders, and environmental practitioners.

This event is closed to the public.

October 31-November 3, 2013

Bozeman, Montana

Directed by:
Terry L. Anderson and Domonic P. Parker

Paper Presentations:
Friday,  November 1
Are Resources a Curse for Reservation Economies?
Terry Anderson, PERC, Dominic Parker, University of Wisconsin, Madison and
Shawn Regan, PERC

American Indian Property Rights and Natural Resources
D. Bruce Johnsen, George Mason Law School

Assessing the Interface between Tribal Culture and Economic Growth
Bob Cooter, UC Berkley, Justin Richland, University of Chicago, and
Dominic Parker, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Income Distributtion and Economic Growth, and Institutions
Dominic Parker and Andrew Mollica, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Saturday, November 2
Unlocking Reservation Capital: The Problem of Consumer Credit
Richard M. Todd, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Unlocking “Dead Capital” on Maori Lands: A Case Study from New Zealand
Te Maire Tau and Tahu Potiki, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu

Blood Quantum and Tribal Membership
David Haddock, Northwestern University

The Interface between Native American Culture, Growth, and Institutions
Duane Champagne, UCLA

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