Celebrate Earth Day "guilt free" with this presentation.
Mrs. Huggins was the guest of The Nassau Institute and spoke at The Bahamas National Trust, Retreat on her favourite topic; the environment.
Her presentation titled "Celebrating 40 Years of Earth Day: Goodbye Gloom and Doom" will brighten peoples understanding of the possibilities available when we create environmental improvements using the powerful tools of the market.
Mrs. Huggins is a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and serves as Director of Outreach with the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) in Bozeman , Montana.
Laura Huggins, Part 5
Economic Potential of Wind and Solar in American Indian Communities
This academic paper combines data on wind and solar endowments, reservation characteristics, and utility-scale renewable energy projects to offer three insights.
PERC and RMEF Team Up to Launch Innovative Wildlife Conservation Initiatives
Our expanded partnership marks the beginning of a multiyear effort focused on pioneering big game conservation efforts across the Rocky Mountain West and Pacific Northwest regions.
Markets for Voluntary Conservation on State Trust Lands is a Win-Win Solution
A public comment submitted to the Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments regarding its proposed qualified bidder rule