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Montana, Clean and Healthful – Facts

Information Cards

PERC has produced a series of information cards summarizing research on specific issues related to environmental stewardship – issues such as stream and hunting access, wildlife habitat and the public trust doctrine. The cards, accessible here online and at the Discussion Forums, give interested citizens, policy makers and candidates for public office quick access to information on these topics and make it easy to share with others.

Help us by printing out the cards and sharing them with friends and family who are interested in the link between private resource ownership and environmental stewards ship.

  1. No Free Lunch for Wildlife
  2. Private Lands, Public Wildlife
  3. Saving Our Streams
  4. Private Property and the Public Trust

Media Presentations

For those in the media, PERC will distribute op-eds and press releases as well as make experts available for broadcast interviews on private environmental stewardship as part of the Montana, Clean and Healthful Campaign. For media consumers, as the election nears, stay tuned to your local media outlets and this website.

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